The Fund

By donating to the Mitch Underhill Mountain Fund, you will be providing the opportunity for a Lake Tahoe Community College student to realize their dreams through the Wilderness Education Program or Fire Science/Fire Academy Program.
How to Donate
Your tax-deductible donation can be made through the LTCC secure donation link. Please apply your gift to “scholarships” and specify “Mitch Underhill Mountain Fund” on the donation form:
Or, mail a check made out to “LTCC Foundation” and in the memo designate “Mitch Underhill Mountain Fund” to LTCC Foundation, One College Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
About the Scholarships
Each year, the Fund will provide a scholarship for each of the Wilderness Education and Fire Science/Academy programs. Application deadlines are in April and an applicant is selected via panel by June. Check the News page or the Lake Tahoe Community College scholarship page for annual deadlines, schedules, and scholarship winners.
Eligibility requirements for Mitch Underhill scholarships:
- Majoring in Wilderness Education or Fire Science/Fire Academy
- Transferring to a 4-year institution or pursuing a career in these two fields
- Minimum 3.0 GPA
- 2 letters of reference
- Common Application
For more information on the Lake Tahoe Community College Foundation and scholarship program, please contact Nancy Harrison at (530) 541-4660 ext. 245 or email.